**4 inches wide, 5 1/4 inches tall**
**White plastic with red**
**Stamped with: "Corby's Fine Whiskey on the mild side... Blended whiskey 86 proof and 80 proof, 68.4% grain neutral spirits, Jas. Barclay & Co. Limited Peoria, Illinois" **
**Impressed on bottom with: "Claremould Plastics Company, Newark, New Jersey" **
**Varying sizes**
**20 plastic swizzle sticks**
**Sticks are from: Brown Derby, Blue Fox, Seagram's Ancient Bottle Gin, Top of the Town, Samuari, Black Angus Steak House, Pat Joyce Tavern, House of Chan, Buckeye House, Marceline Tavern, Sahara, Cleveland Athletic Club, Carter Hotel, Club Sterling, Pierre's, Pier W, Avalon Inn, and Town Room Restaurant**
**No cracks, no chips on stand or sticks, but all have some wear, scuffs. Stand has some silver paint spatter on bottom, front**
If you want a particular swizzle stick, the price is $34.99 and you get the stand and the rest of the swizzle sticks as a bonus.