1925 Lincoln Junior High School Yearbook, Annual, Youngstown

Image 0 of 1925 Lincoln Junior High School Yearbook, Annual, YoungstownImage 1 of 1925 Lincoln Junior High School Yearbook, Annual, YoungstownImage 2 of 1925 Lincoln Junior High School Yearbook, Annual, YoungstownImage 3 of 1925 Lincoln Junior High School Yearbook, Annual, YoungstownImage 4 of 1925 Lincoln Junior High School Yearbook, Annual, YoungstownImage 5 of 1925 Lincoln Junior High School Yearbook, Annual, Youngstown

1925 Lincoln Junior High School Yearbook, Annual, Youngstown


1925 Lincoln Junior High School Yearbook, Annual, Youngstown Great family treasure, wonderful piece of history and door into the thoughts and minds of young people in 1925 ...

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Great family treasure, wonderful gift for nursing home resident or Alzheimers sufferer.Dont miss out on your chance to own this wonderful piece of history.

1925 Lincoln Junior High School Yearbook

**Youngstown, Ohio**


**Titled: The Rail Splitter, Graduation Number**

**Considering this yearbook is more than 85 years old, it is in remarkably good condition. The cover is dog-eared and looks like it has been exposed to some kind of oil, perhaps it was stored in a garage. The pages, as you can see from the photos, are in wonderful condition. The first page shows some exposure to the same oil as the front cover does, but it stops there and did not soak through the book.**

**What a great way to get an idea of the mindset and way of talking of the younger generation in 1925. The book starts with editorials, a message from the principal (who stresses the importance of students earning the four credits required for graduation and even stresses the value of attending college and graduate school), poems, short stories, and school news items.**

**Has only one photo which is a group photo of the students showing the junior high school had black students as well as white. The body language of the various students is very evident and speaks volumes.**

**Includes a list of "Who's Who" which includes names, nicknames, what each student was noted for, and ambition. Career goals vary widely and cover everything from blacksmith and Quaker to cotton picker and gold digger and everything in between!**

**Stapled binding is intact and firm, although the staples have rusted and the front cover has torn away from the staples**
