Little Vet with Patient and Girl with Dinner and a Puppy
**Boy is 1 7/8 inches deep, 1 7/8 inches wide, 4 1/2 inches tall**
**Girl is 1 3/4 inches deep, 2 inches wide, 4 inches tall**
**The boy is wearing a long lab coat, glasses pushed up on his head, and a stethoscope. The little vet stands with his arms crossed behind his back, his most recent patient rests at his feet with a cloth tied around his head, showing a toothache has been attended to**
**The girl is wearing a dress, apron, and cooking bonnet. In a towel, to protect her hands, the little cook has what looks like a wonderful pot pie for dinner. It must smell good since the pup at her feet is sitting up and begging for a share! The cook has her mouth opened wide, calling, "Dinner time!"**
**Beautiful figurines in a blue-and-white theme with touches of brown**
**No breaks, no cracks, no repairs, no chips, no crazing**
**Foil label on bottom has "A Napco Ceramic Japan". On the boy figurine, the label was misplaced on the side of his base**
**Boy has "Little Vet A3434" and girl has "Dinner Time A3434"**