Image 0 of Precious Moments Salt, Pepper Shakers with BoxImage 1 of Precious Moments Salt, Pepper Shakers with BoxImage 2 of Precious Moments Salt, Pepper Shakers with BoxImage 3 of Precious Moments Salt, Pepper Shakers with Box

Precious Moments Salt, Pepper Shakers with Box


Season your day with love by using these Precious Moments salt and pepper shakers. This adorable couple shares a tree stump while sitting back-to-back sharing secrets ...

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Season your day with love by using these Precious Moments salt and pepper shakers! This adorable couple shares a tree stump while sitting back-to-back sharing secrets.

Precious Moments Salt and Pepper Set

**New with original box**

**5 1/2 inches tall**

**No breaks, no repairs, some glaze craze on boy's tree stump**