Robotech originally was developed from already existing animated footage. As the science fiction series matured and characters developed, the battle between humans and aliens and the fate of the Earth waged, showing the influences of Dune, Battlefield Earth, Star Trek, and Star Wars.
This fascinating book covers the history of the series, an explanation of what caused the series to end, outlines of storylines, character profiles, and an appendix of Mecha. The books final page is dedicated to fan club addresses.
This is a great book for animation fans, for those left wondering whatever happened to Robotech, or for those who study trends and what can stall and end a marketing success. Great art book with lots of color illustrations.
Robotec Art 3 Book
**First edition printing, July 1988**
**by Carl Macek**
**11 inches tall, 8 1/2 inches wide, 1/2 inch thick**
**Soft cover, 186 pages**
**Fantastic condition! Binding is uncracked, looks like this book has never been opened until we gently did for photos**
**ISBN 0-89865-575-7**
**Starblaze Editions/Graphics, published by The Donning Company Publishers in Norfolk, Virginia**